What can i say but one helluva fight ~^-^~
The classic bout between Kakarrot and Vegeta was not only well done but the monster inturupting was a splendid touch.
-Dymnd Lockehart
What can i say but one helluva fight ~^-^~
The classic bout between Kakarrot and Vegeta was not only well done but the monster inturupting was a splendid touch.
-Dymnd Lockehart
Good, but you went too far with this one. ~^-^~
I loved how you used the original graphics from my all time favorite rpg, Chrono Trigger. It was great until you had Crono die. But that wasn't good enough, was it? You had to kill off Marle for no fuckin reason. I would have rated this an 8 or 9, but that last part flat out pissed me off. - Dymnd Lockehart
AA+++++++++ ~^-^~
I've been a huge fan of old sckool sonic! And it felt great seeing him kill that rat, along with his faggot friend. I'm glad there are others that appritiate the way gaming use to be, without all the polygon bullshit. I hope there is a sequel if its possible. :p Dymnd Lockehart
the spiky smurf finally gets it
The was fuggin awesome. I mean of all things that could never kill the smurf, a fan finally does it right!
Being a true DBZ fan, i LOVED it!
The film was weird, with the animation being extremely corny, but i think that is what makes it so funny and unique. Regardless what others say, you've got a masterpiece here. I've just got one word for ya:Sequel!
Clock crew 4 life son. Currantly on a break from my usual shit online.
Age 42, Male
Spring ng
Joined on 8/2/01