It was really good, but it is alittle short
Now I know that this is the first installment, so the rest should be as good:) The animation was excellant, I loved the music, me being a good fan of the original and all. But like some of your other movies, in the end of this one, it was however alittle fast, and difficult to understand.
My only real complaint here, why kiki's delivery service. I mean, it's away from the cliche "dbz" stiff goin on around here, but what about other greats like Akira, Princess Mononoke (made by the priginal creator who made this one), or one of my personal favorites, 3x3 eyes. Dont get me wrong now, Kiki's delivery service is a great film, but like Disney, who bought all of Hayou Miyazaki's work, it's just alittle bit well.....mickey mouse i guess, to basic.
But on a true personal level, I really Like it:) And I'm waiten patiently for the next the one to come.
And to all those haters out there dissin this film(you know who you are) FUCK OF, THIS IS REALLY GOOD SHIT! JUST WAIT, YOU'LL SEE!
thank you:) cya round:p