View Profile neo-catalyst

46 Movie Reviews

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A Classic!

Numbfinger14 can suck my cock. It done have ta have the best art for it ta be good, look at those friggin clock films. So basically Numbfinger14, I'd like ta see ya come up with somehting like this. But as far as this piece is concerned, hopefully we'll see some sequels?? ^^"

It was really good, but it is alittle short

Now I know that this is the first installment, so the rest should be as good:) The animation was excellant, I loved the music, me being a good fan of the original and all. But like some of your other movies, in the end of this one, it was however alittle fast, and difficult to understand.

My only real complaint here, why kiki's delivery service. I mean, it's away from the cliche "dbz" stiff goin on around here, but what about other greats like Akira, Princess Mononoke (made by the priginal creator who made this one), or one of my personal favorites, 3x3 eyes. Dont get me wrong now, Kiki's delivery service is a great film, but like Disney, who bought all of Hayou Miyazaki's work, it's just alittle bit well.....mickey mouse i guess, to basic.

But on a true personal level, I really Like it:) And I'm waiten patiently for the next the one to come.
And to all those haters out there dissin this film(you know who you are) FUCK OF, THIS IS REALLY GOOD SHIT! JUST WAIT, YOU'LL SEE!

thank you:) cya round:p

MysticSonGohan responds:

Yo whats up my good man, thx for the review, its been a long time that some actually like my movie. I'm making the next parts because people like you.

It a good one to start off with:)

I liked it, but the audio was really faint though, over all it was good. Nothin else can be said. Keep up the good work:)

That fuckin rocked!

The music kicked ass, the monkey was hilarious, what a surprise ending! I gave u a 6 for interactivity for the replay button alone!
I they would let us score higher, than this one deserves like somewhere between 25 and 30!

A touching story upon reality

I gotta say ,i am deeply impressed with this film. It brings up so many good points that the people of today either dont wish to know or just flat out dont care. I just wish there were more people like the author of this movie out there. Then, maybe just then we all wouldnt be such bastards!
-Dymnd Lockehart
dymnd.boltpages.com/goldmoon inc/

Technically, i give this one a 27 overall ~^-^~

My my my, what can I say but probably the best fuckin movie I've seen in a long long time. Personally, Knuckles was always my favorite charactor in the sonic series, and I'm glad that he was the only one that didn't die in this war. Plus, he also got a piece of ass out of it too^_^
-Dymnd Lockehart

Randy-Solem responds:

Hey alright! Thanks man! Only thing is you have the wrong movie in you head, that was Razoric's.

Clock crew 4 life son. Currantly on a break from my usual shit online.

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